Transformation through Compassionate, Informed Examination

Dr. Clancy Cavnar provides therapy that meets you where you’re at. As a licensed psychologist with specializations in addictions and psychedelic therapy, she has worked with a wide variety of people and with a broad range of diagnosis and life situations that therapy can help with. She offers a comprehensive assessment and treatment focused on a client’s individual needs. Dr. Cavnar is empathic and compassionate, and therapy with her is an exchange of ideas, with deep listening and non-judgmental acceptance. 


Connect with Clancy here:


How I work

First, an assessment is made. If you have had therapy before, I like to know what worked and what didn’t. What do you feel is going on? I like to get a personal history, including any trauma or childhood events, situations or relationships that might have caused distress. I will look for connections and underlying themes and how these might be playing out in your life today, exploring these with you. As therapy proceeds, increased trust and understanding allow more sensitive material to come to the surface and, as you come to know yourself better and strengthen your self-compassion, your capacity to heal will expand. 


Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelics are increasingly being recognized as a treatment for difficult mental health problems. I do not currently offer any psychedelic therapy per se, but rather an experienced and knowledgeable integration of experiences you have had outside of the therapy office. I have over 20 years of regular practice with ayahuasca, with several conference presentations and publications on the topic, and have completed the California Institute of Integral Studies’ Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Certificate, Fluence’s psychedelics-oriented clinical consultation group, and levels one and two of the Ketamine-Assisted therapy offered by Polaris Insight. I have worked with many people who have made use of psychedelic medicines and am familiar with the benefits and pitfalls of this type of work. Keeping always in mind the ideas of safety and harm-reduction, I respect the power of these medicines to accelerate the healing process.


Here, I link to some publications and presentations I have made since 2011. I have written a few times on the experience of gay and lesbian people when they take ayahuasca; particularly, how it affected their self-perceived identity. I have also written about the psychological effects of ayahuasca in general. I have co-edited ten books on ayahuasca and other drugs and drug policy with my partner, Beatriz Labate and, at times, other co-editors. I also edit most of the papers published on the site run by the Chacruna Institute of Psychedelic Plant Medicines, where I am a board member.

About Clancy

Dr. Cavnar offers therapy for depression, anxiety, trauma, addictions, LGBTQ+ issues, psychedelic integration, and complex childhood trauma.  She has over 25 years experience helping people with psychological issues and has been licensed in the State of California since 2015. She uses a combination of psychodynamic therapy with cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and deep listening. Dr. Cavnar has done research on and written and edited several publications on the topic of psychedelics, including ten books with co-editor Beatriz C. Labate, and has completed the Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies and Research from the California Institute of Integral Studies and a certificate in chemical dependency treatment I invite from U.C. Berkeley extension. She also holds a Psy.D. from John F. Kennedy University, a master’s degree in counseling from San Francisco State University, and a master’s in fine art from the San Francisco Art Institute. Dr. Cavnar is on the board of the Chacruna Institute of Psychedelic Plant Medicines and helps coordinate the LGBTQ+ page on the site.

You're invited...

I invite my patients to unburden themselves in a non-judgmental space of acceptance so that we can unravel the cords that prevent them from living the lives they want. I implement the use of guided meditations, journaling, mindfulness, and take a holistic view of mental health, comprised of physical, mental, and spiritual health with the ultimate goal of achieving self-love. I help patients see the patterns that constrict them and ways to be free. These patterns can lie buried and are uncovered and transformed in the work we may do together. 

Some of My


My work is visionary, and reflects my interest in several esoteric spiritual paths.

My style is representational, but psychedelic; influenced by the religious art of India, Mexico and South America.

Some of My


I have written a few times on the experience of gay and lesbian people when they take ayahuasca, particularly how it affected their self-perceived identity. I have also written about the psychological effects of ayahuasca in general. I have co-edited ten books on ayahuasca and other drugs and drug policy with my partner, Beatriz Labate and, at times, other co-editors. I also edit most of the papers published on the site run by the Chacruna Institute of Psychedelic Plant Medicines, where I am a board member.

Some of My

Presentations and Videos

I’ve spoken at several conferences and other events, on topics including sexuality, psychedelics, and self-acceptance. Below, you can find one of my recent talks: It’s Cool to Be Gay.